
The Children’s Storefront
Toronto, OntarioThe Children’s Storefront is a free service facility that provides support for parents and young children. It is a place where children learn to play together in a child-centered and family-friendly environment. Adults and children are served together in the same program, and parents, grandparents and caregivers share personal experiences in a supportive environment. The absence of structured programming at The Storefront means that everyone is welcome at any time.
One tragic night a fire ravaged the building which housed the original Children’s Storefront on Bathurst Street, and took with it the entire collection of toys, books, mementos and archives. It was at this point that AGATHOM stepped in to help adapt a former cheque-cashing facility on Bloor Street into a new home for The Storefront. With a shoestring budget and love from the community, the new Storefront has established itself once again.
Photos: Luther Caverly

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